So I'm working on two new pieces. This post is about the first of those two. I found this beautiful deep satin red that I couldn't resist using. For around two weeks I didn't know what the box was going to be. I've been referencing a lot of Rothko paintings as leads for color choices. I haven't always followed through but they've definitely served as inspiration. Anyway I thought I was leaning toward white for the box. After reconnecting with a friend whose currently doing a lot of gold leafing I decided to take a risk and leaf the box.
I've used gold leaf in a painting before so I know it's a huge risk. It dominates the picture plane. It's a magnet for the eye and it's loaded conceptually. Immediately I think of eternity, purity, value/wealth, spirituality and covenant. It's also easy to start gold leafing and want to gold leaf everything. It's addictive. A mess. And exciting. I fell in love with the big golden silhouette amidst this color field of japanese red.
Then came the burnt sienna.....
Wasn't it Picasso who said while painting, if you ever make a pretty discovery destroy it? Well I unintentionally did that. It shocked me when I applied the burnt sienna. Others in the studio seem to like it but apart from the effect it has to control the gold leaf I think it's the worst box I've ever drawn.
Wasn't it Picasso who said while painting, if you ever make a pretty discovery destroy it? Well I unintentionally did that. It shocked me when I applied the burnt sienna. Others in the studio seem to like it but apart from the effect it has to control the gold leaf I think it's the worst box I've ever drawn.
I'm not giving up. More to come.
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