I can't decide if all this came fast or slow. It was slow in searching and praying, fast in execution and I don't think I'm finished yet. Something is missing. My wife thinks it's more solid shaped stars and she could be right.
Here's the premise: promise.
God is trustworthy. From everlasting to everlasting he is God. When we are unfaithful he remains faithful. So when God says something will happen it will happen. God told an elderly man,Abraham, that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and to begin this legacy his wife would give birth to a son in her barren old age. Abraham's wife laughed at the seemingly impossible but with God all things are possible. So it happened, Abraham's wife, Sarah, gave birth to a son the following year and Abraham named him Isaac which means "laughter".
After thinking about this story and the promises of God the image of a star as a symbol of promise seemed to resonate with me loud enough to take action enough to write it down and then it happened. I had an image of a little boy drawing stars on a wall. I asked God about this and it slowly began to make since. It's as if a boy had been told the story of God promising Abraham so many descendants and was then asked to draw his family. While other kids would draw a picture of mom, dad, brother, sister, and the family dog this boy begins to draw star after star after star after star, the promise of God. Child-like faith brought forth the bigger picture. I will name this piece "generations".
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