• More progress and an interesting quote.

    I googled "cardboard box" the other day and found someone's blog that
    sounded a lot like a puzzle piece for this series. It also reminds me
    of, "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about what
    happens to you."-1 Peter 5:7

    This is the quote, "I need to find a really big, albeit invisible box,
    in which to put all the mental and emotional that I have used in the
    past six months but that I hope to get rid of now. There's a heap of
    anger. Stacks of sadness. A few pounds of self-pity. And cases of
    fear. More than anything, I'd like to throw out every ounce of fear.
    It's done me no good.

    I wonder about my friends' box. About the people out there reading
    this. What's in everyone else's boxes and what would it look like if
    we met at the spiritual dumping ground, passed our boxes around,
    giggled kind heartedly at them, smiled at out small human selves, told
    a few jokes, passed along a few hugs, and went home to our much
    lighter, brighter homes?"

    0 comments → More progress and an interesting quote.